Friday, February 20, 2009

What a difference a day makes...

And that difference is YOU!

First off, I want to say THANK YOU to my family and friends that have emailed, called, and prayed for me. What an interesting time in my life right now! I feel so honored that you all care so much.

I am on the edge of something here. Something great. Something unexpected. Something EXCITING!

Since we last talked, I have been to the doctor twice for blood tests and once for results. My first set of blood work showed many interesting things going on in my body. Most of these things will bore most of you but there were two things that were alarming to the doctor which caused a need for another round of tests. The less worrying of the two was my Vitamin D levels. The normal concentration of Vitamin D in an adult is about 50 ng/ml. Mine was 6 meaning I am vitamin D deficient. Some symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency are: reduced bone strength, an increase in bone fractures, and sometimes bone pain, and muscle weakness. This explains why I have had back problems my whole life. (My weight has also been a factor.) This ALSO explains why I broke 5 toes within one week.

(I looked like a total moron with two walking casts on.)

The other issue was a little more serious.

Every person has both Estrogen (female hormones) and Testosterone (male hormones). Obviously women have more estrogen than testosterone and vice-versa for men. Our endocrine system is a delicate balance of not only these hormones but many others that control all kinds of functions in our body.
Hormones are chemical messengers that travel throughout the body coordinating complex processes like growth, metabolism, and fertility. They can influence the function of the immune system, and even alter behavior. Before birth, they guide development of the brain and reproductive system. Hormones are the reason why your arms are the same length, why you can turn food into fuel, and why you changed from head to toe at puberty. It is thanks to these chemicals that distant parts of the body communicate with one another during elaborate, and important, events.
In very plain and simple terms, when your hormone levels aren't in proper balance, all hell breaks loose through out your body. (And mine are no where close to being in balance.)

My estrogen levels are normal but my testosterone levels were more than double what they should be. And no, this doesn't mean that I really am a man in a woman's body. Dummy.

There are so many things that can cause an imbalance in your hormones. More and more research is coming out that everything from plastic, tin cans, the pill, HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy), environmental poisons, non organic and estrogen pumped animal products, stress, and cosmetics can all contribute to an imbalance. I personally am convinced that fast food has played a MAJOR roll in hormonal imbalance.

It's hard to know exactly where is started in my life and what triggered it. I have many speculations but they are irrelevant right now.

The doctor was concerned that the cause of my imbalance could be due to a tumor on one of my adrenal glands.

Oh great. If that was the case, I would have to have some type of radiation, chemo, or surgery to remove it. That is NOT what I was expecting.

It was a stressful week waiting for answers but finally I got the good news that a tumor was ruled out. Phew!

Now I was able to get my treatment planned out with the doctor and start down the road to a new life! I'm only 3 days in to my treatment but I feel so much better already. I can feel my energy levels rising and hope returning. This is so encouraging!

I sat down last week and made a list of things that I haven't done because of my weight, or the symptoms PCOS has caused me. That list turned into a sort of "bucket list" for me and I hope to get a move on and start making these things happen!

I want to share my list with you

  • Go swimming. This will mean having to wear a bathing suit. I haven't done that in 15 years.
  • Take dance lessons and learn to MOVE my body! Salsa,Tap, and Hip Hop are on the top of the list.
  • Get a facial. I don't usually let people touch my face.
  • Spend a day at the spa.
  • Sing on a stage, with a band, for a crowd.
  • Wear ANY type of clothes I want and not let my body image hold me back.
  • Wear heels more. My weight as well as my bone strength (due to the vitamin D deficiency) make it very painful.
  • Speak and educate about PCOS and hormone imbalances. As I learn more, I want to share what I know. I am a teacher by nature.
  • Audition for Food Network. It sounds silly but I at least want to try!
So that's it. I love where my life is right now. I love that this road I have been on has been leading up to this. I love that I don't know where it is going to go...


MommyJamie said...

Hey Julie, this is Jamie Klevjer. I hope it's ok that I found your blog and am commenting, but I just wanted to let you know that I had and that I loved your honesty and open heart. I think that is an amazing place to be in. Thank you for sharing!

The Thinker said...

Thanks for the kind words Jamie! I'm learning to value the freedom in honesty.