Saturday, August 8, 2009

2 wrongs don't make a right, but 3 lefts do

What today made me realize that I truly am a poet, a writer? Why today and not any other day? Today I was in the presence of true poets; speaking and orating about the things of their heart. Letting words flow in rhythms that stirred me. One commented that she carried her notebook everywhere she goes and in an instant, I identified. I thought, "My notebook hasn't left my side since the day I bought it." While I sat in rapt attention I began to think about what I would want to say if the stage was mine. Words, emotions, dreams, and fears flooded my mind. I pictured how I would deliver my message and to whom. In one very small moment I knew that I had something to share.

"If you have ears to hear..."

Earlier in the day I sat at the intersection of 21st and Pacific Avenue waiting in the left lane to turn. I kind of let my mind go soft for a moment, blankly staring at the car before me. I listened to my turn signal sound in perfect rhythm, "click, click, click, click." I was watching the blinking light of the signal in front of me, "click, click, click, click." They were perfectly syncopated. I listened and watched, waiting for them to fall out of unison but they never did. This experience was my blue moon. We both turned the corner and I felt a sense of kinship with that car. For those brief few seconds, we were one.

I've been waiting to experience that moment in my own life; when things are clicking together in perfect unison; when you know that things are going to be okay and make sense. I've been waiting for that euphoric sense of satisfaction when the longings of my heart are made known and fulfilled.

Tonight, right now as I type, there still is no unison. Something is just a little bit off in one area or another. I have faith for it, I know it will happen because, "He who began a good work will be faithful to complete it."

But until then I will keep my notebook close and I will write.